IDG festival - conferance 21 june 2023

We had a wonderful conferanse:

From frustration to action

Text in Norwegian appears at the bottom of the page

Our history of sustainability

The first IDG festival in Norway. The theme of the conference was Inner Development Goals, through looking at our sustainability history through the 5 dimensions.  At the festival, we experienced musical mindfulness, as well as learned a tool for making good decisions.

In the parallel sessions the facilitors took you through the decission process with your own project. It was a highly simplified version of the Vilesbuen which is based on Assagioli (1990) The act of will. We have simplified it down to be able to make a sustainability choice within the IDG/SDG. The participatns explored their own sustainability project, but the tool kan be transfered to all areas of life. It can be used both personal and a organizational setting. Back in the plennary the playbak theater ensamble facilitaed some of the participants storys - from their sustainiabilty journey. 

After the Acting-playback theater session -We had invited some experienced professionals to reflect together with us, in a fishbowl exercise. 

After the program, we had a afterglow to midnigh - a garden party.

Thanks to all 60 that came and made this a memobrable evnt. And thanks to all 15 contributers who did this possible - pro bono. 


1500-1530 Mingling.

1530-1550 Welcome by Christin Winther who facilitates the conference, Plenum tent in the garden.

1550-1620. Mindful introduction og the dimension #Being,

musical exercise with singer Lisa Bonnár

1620-1630. Go to asigned group rooms

1630-1830. A facilitated sustainability journey through the dimensions

1. Being. 2. Thinking. 3. Relating. 4. Collaborating.

Experience-based process, where the participant works in groups to explore their own sustainability story, and perhaps their personal sustainability project, or project at work. Based on Assagioli (1990) The act of will

4 groups, grouprooms inside.

Processleaders: Cecilie Dale, Helle Evensen,
Jøril Korperud Johnsen and Ann Kunish. 

1830-1840 Break, meet in plenum.

1840-1940. Playback theatre,
Teater Mosaik plays out our sustainability stories. They take the pulse of the groups and invite stories about sustainability in 

action. The focus is on the 5th dimension: Acting, driving change. With the qualities:

#Courage #Persistence, #Creativity #Optimism.

1940-2040. Fishbowl reflection, facilitated by Christin Winther.

Summarizes the conference and reflection on
Inner development Goals as a tool for achieving the
UN's sustainability goals.

-Hans Morten Skivik, AFF, Programdirektør Solstandprogrammet,

-Beate Jelstad Løvaas, VID vitenskapelige høgskole,
Professor i ledelse og organisasjon,

-Kathrine Aspaas, Gründer, journalist og Gestaltcoach,
-Heidi Lyngstad, leder for organisasjonsutvikling ved UKE, Oslo kommune and  
-Tove Kaiku, HR Director Nordic Statskraft. 

2040- 2100.

Rounds off the conference

Appriciation. Music.

2100..... Afterglow and garden party. Mingling.

Bring your own drink, we will organize some. 

Presentation of fasilitators

Christin Winther

Christin will introduce and
facilitate the conference. 
Besides being one of the initiators of the IDG Oslo hub Relate2change, she is responsible for the Center for Relationships and Change, teaches at the Norwegian Gestalt Institute College and works as a consultant. Has broad experience in organization and management, as a manager and consultant

Lisa Bonnár

Lisa will start by doing a mindful exercise in pleum. Besides being a professional singer, musicologist, speaker and author, Lisa is engaged in both inner and outer sustainability, creative presence and poetry. She has a doctorate in lullaby, has studied at UiO, the Grieg Academy, the Paris Conservatory, and the College of Music.

The process facilitators

Our four process leaders all have extensive experience in facilitating processes, and will lead each group through a sustainability journey, where you will visit the dimensions of

#Being, #Thinking, #Relating and #Collarborating.

The groups story or project can be shaped in the plenary session of the Theater Mosaik´

- where the dimension #Acting, driving change will be explored, with focus on the qualities:

#Courage #Persistence, #Creativity #Optimism.

Helle Evensen

HR specialist consultant, Oslo municipality, Manager and organizational development, Green technology founder, Gestaltcoach MGPO
Board member

IDG Relate2change OSLO HUB

Cecilie Dahle

Gestalt therapist MNGF
Board member

IDG Relate2change OSLO HUB

Jøril Korperud Johnsen

Strategic advisor, Ecosystem facilitator and B Corp Leader.
Board member, alternate

IDG Relate2change OSLO HUB

Ann Kunsih

SupervisorCollege lecturer at Norwegian Gestaltinstitute College University. 

Gestalt therapist MNGF, Gestalt coach MGPO


Teater Mosaik' møter publikum der de er, lytter til deres fortellinger og lar fortellingene komme til liv på scenen som improvisert teater.

Med kropp og stemme, musikk, bevegelse og poesi, speiler de publikums erfaringer og skaper en felles opplevelse som åpner for resonans og refleksjon.

På konferansen skal Teater Mosaikk levendegjøre våre bærekrafthistorier, med fokus på dimensjonen Acting, og kvalitetene #mot #optimisme #utholdenhet #kreativitet

Jan og Synne Platander

driver Skandinavisk Playbackteater Studio (SPTS) og Platander Samspill & Utvikling. Jan er pedagog og psykodramaregissør, og underviser i aksjonsmetodikk.

Synne er drama- og teaterpedagog, veileder, coach og playbackteater-instruktør.

Siden 90-tallet har de jobbet med kurs, forestillinger og utviklings-prosesser for både organisasjoner og privatpersoner. Med teater som dialogverktøy inspirerer de til deling og speiling av menneskelige erfaringer. Til IDG konferansen har de med seg playbackkollegaer i

Teater Mosaik

Exciting fishbowl-


Our panel will reflect and summarize the experience from the conference, and look at the potential of IDG as a host for achieving the UN's sustainability goals. The participants listen to the fishbowl panel, reflect and ask questions, which the panel discusses further

Beate Jelstad Løvaas

Professor i organsiasjon og ledelse,

VID Vitenskaplige høgskole

Advisory board:

IDG Relate2change OSLO HUB

Heidi Lyngstad,
Leads organizational development,
UKE, Oslo municipality, Gestal therapist

Tove Kaiku,
HR director Nordic Statskraft

Board member
IDG Relate2change OSLO HUB

Kathrine Aspaas,
Founder, emotional strength coach, gestaltcoach
Advisory board:

IDG Relate2change OSLO HUB

Hans Morten Skivik

Programdirector Solstrand programmet, AFF, Gestalttherapist, Advisory board:

IDG Relate2change OSLO HUB